La part du diesel recule dans le marché automobile français

Le d?bat sur la nocivit? du diesel semble avoir pes? sur les ventes.

En septembre, les immatriculations de voitures ? motorisation essence ont bondi de 25?%, alors que celles ? motorisation diesel se sont affaiss?es de pr?s de 5?% pour un march? g?n?ral en faible hausse (+3,4 %). Les conducteurs commencent donc ? se reporter massivement sur les motorisations essence, m?me si l'on reste tr?s loin du d?but des ann?es 2000, quand seulement un v?hicule vendu sur deux ?tait un diesel, selon le cabinet d'?tude Inovev.

Plusieurs raisons expliquent ce ph?nom?ne. D?but 2012, lors du lancement de sa citadine 208, qui d?tient une importante part de march?, Peugeot ne pr?sentait pas de motorisation essence... Les premiers moteurs essence ne sont apparus qu'au second semestre. D?s lors, par un effet de base statistique, les immatriculations de la 208 diesel ont chut? de 45?% au premier semestre, ce qui a en toute logique d?form? les statistiques g?n?rales. Le m?me ph?nom?ne touche la Clio IV, ?galement lanc?e d?but 2012, mais avec une offre essence. La part de la motorisation diesel de ce mod?le est en recul de 32?% sur un an.

Le?d?bat sur la nocivit? du diesel semble avoir pes? sur les ventes. En annon?ant clairement son intention de r??quilibrer la fiscalit? des diff?rents carburants, et donc d'augmenter ? terme le prix du diesel, le gouvernement oriente le march?, une voiture neuve ?tant g?n?ralement achet?e pour une longue p?riode en France. Enfin, le lancement par les constructeurs de moteurs essence extr?mement performants d'un point de vue consommation, a contribu? ? r?orienter les acheteurs vers ces offres de motorisation au d?triment du diesel.

Lire l'interview d'Anne Hidalgo : "Mon plan contre le diesel ? Paris" (lien Abonn?s)


De m?me, les constructeurs commencent ? r?viser leurs perspectives pour leur offre de petites voitures. Apr?s l'Adam d'Opel, qui n'offre pas de motorisation diesel, c'est la prochaine Micra, la citadine de Nissan, qui en sera priv?e. Ford a pour sa part d?cid? d'arr?ter la production de bloc diesel pour sa Ka, une mini-citadine. Et en 2014, les futures mini-citadines de PSA (108, C1), de Toyota (Aygo) ou de Renault (Twingo) seront 100?% essence. Avec la nouvelle norme "Euro 6", qui entre en vigueur en septembre 2014, doter ces petits v?hicules d'un bloc diesel reviendrait beaucoup trop cher, car cette r?glementation impose la mise en place d'un proc?d? d'?limination des oxydes d'azote (Nox).

Le dispositif d?ploy? par de nombreux constructeurs, le Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) est ? la fois cher et lourd ? mettre en place, ce qui disqualifie les plus petits v?hicules. D?s lors, les seuls segments o? il restera rentable de d?ployer du diesel sont ceux des voitures compactes, des berlines, des monospaces et autres 4 x 4 qui font plus de 20 000 km par an. Le prix de ces v?hicules est compatible avec le d?ploiement de ces nouvelles technologies.

Cette nouvelle orientation du march? sera particuli?rement suivie par PSA Peugeot Citro?n et Renault. 60?% de leurs v?hicules vendus en Europe sont aujourd'hui ?quip?s d'un bloc diesel. Par comparaison, Volkswagen vend seulement la moiti? de sa production sous moteur diesel et Fiat ? peine plus de 40?%... Une chose est s?re pour tous les observateurs du march?, la part du diesel va baisser. Pour Inovev, cette part, actuellement de 55?% en Europe, devrait redescendre sous la barre des 50?% d'ici 2016-2017.?

Heuliez in difficulty, the State takes its distances

Dde salari?s de l'?quipementier Heuliez, attendant devant le Tribunal de commerce de Niort, le 16 avril 2013.

Cerizay plant employees, that esp felt that six months of protection obtained by the final beneficiary, industry Baelen Gaillard (BGI), would be enough to save their working tools, d sang the approach of the date. "We are not s rassur. There is the risk of liquidation pure and simple", Xavier has HPLC d pebbles, d l gu CFDT.

None of the potential buyers - the Spanish industrial group Cosmos, the German consultant Matthias Bittner, and Fran ais L otard Christian - has deposited any folder last Wednesday, when CL Turo offers.

Cosmos, which seemed best plac, refuses to participate without an assurance that the German Volkswagen car manufacturer has chosen definitively d Heuliez a contract for the supply of pi these spare repr smelling to several tens of millions of euros a year. Heuliez would be in a good position, but Volkswagen makes play competition and must make its decision only after d, October 15.


Its t c r a vot Regional Council of Poitou-Charente, on September 13 in favour of the creation of a company of mixed economy (SEM), whose purpose will be to support the company, j d e sauv by region in 2009 over time r an entrance at the height of the capital city of 5 million euros and more then a refundable deposit of 2.8 million.

"" "There is the right to leave Heuliez, has HPLC d reading the pr r regional Chairman S real goal."Only the region r can keep Heuliez pending a possible control flow. There is a transitional context am swim. It still pending".

This project, which would be the 650,000 euros of capital assur s 85% by public funds, you may not see the day that with the input bus the remaining 15%, will adjust ment regulatory r. "The SEM could secure 20: 30 jobs." If we can continue the current activity, can keep other hundred hundred and fifty. In two hundred and ninety, a social plan is therefore inevitable, "adds the d l gu CFDT."


Minister of productive recovery, Arnaud Montebourg has shown much less enthusiastic about the future of Heuliez. There claim, on Monday, that public money had j' t injected into the company.

[The State] are not l to put scarce money on companies that don't have a future. It has however become slightly. In the case of Heuliez, seek solutions with providers of orders, commands, will be very easy. "Gold, I suffer from today is that, not with this company, find and secure a future with the commands".

There truck the option of nationalisation, which was t e voqu to the furnaces of ArcelorMittal Florange, because this last "was a company that guarantees the divorce".

Motoring: A Fix for a Chirp Under the Hood

The bulletins, which are compiled by, offer automakers’ insights into some recurring problems with various models. The bulletins, known as T.S.B.’s, are not recalls; they are information provided by manufacturers to dealers’ service departments and mechanics.

Unless otherwise noted, the carmakers do not offer payment assistance for these repairs beyond normal warranty coverage. sells a more comprehensive version of the bulletins to consumers. Here are some recent examples:

BMW Corrosion may develop around the positive battery terminal of some 3 Series models. In T.S.B. 610713 issued on Aug. 1, BMW said the problem on 2012-13 models might be caused by a lack of an anticorrosion coating on the panel that houses the battery. Coating the area with underbody protection spray should keep the corrosion at bay.

CHEVROLET Owners would be dismayed to hear the phrases “dimensionally incorrect” and “bent valves” in reference to their new vehicles. But those words may apply to some of the 4-cylinder engines in 2013-14 Impalas and Malibus. In T.S.B. 13283 issued on Sept. 6, General Motors said a problem with the engine block casting, possibly causing the valves to contact pistons, meant the engines might need to be replaced before the vehicles were delivered to customers.

CHRYSLER A chirping sound from the engine compartment may plague some Dodge and Ram pickups. In T.S.B. 07-003-13 issued on Sept. 4, Chrysler said the noise from 2009-13 pickups stemmed from the serpentine accessory drive belt. Replacing the belt with one that compensates for a slightly misaligned pulley should quiet things.

FORD The power transfer unit of some all-wheel-drive models may have a leak. In T.S.B. 13-9-16 issued on Sept. 17, Ford said a lubricant leak on Taurus, Explorer and Lincoln MKS all-wheel-drive models might stem from a missing or disconnected hose at the transfer unit, which distributes power to the rear axle. Fitting a new hose, or reinstalling a disconnected hose, should stop the leak.

HONDA A powertrain warranty extension may offer help for some Crosstour owners. In T.S.B. 13-079 issued on Oct. 8, Honda said that as part of a class-action-lawsuit settlement, the company would extend the warranty to cover repairs related to a condition in 2010-12 V-6 models.

The company said that the piston rings in some cylinders might rotate and align their end gaps, leading to oil fouling the spark plugs. This can cause a misfire, rough running and the Check Engine light to illuminate. The revised warranty is eight years with unlimited mileage for repairs related to the condition, from five years or 60,000 miles. Replacing the piston rings, spark plugs and related parts will fix the trouble.

Also, cracking, chalking or clouding paint on the horizontal surfaces of some Civics is the subject of two T.S.B.’s. The warranty is extended to seven years, with no mileage limit, but applies to only nine colors from the 2006-11 model years. The T.S.B.’s include 13-060 of Aug. 13 for the roof and trunk and 12-049 for the hood.

JEEP Owners of some 2013-14 Wranglers may notice the engine running hot. In T.S.B. 08-069-13 issued on Sept. 12, Chrysler said the problem might be caused by a failure of the cooling fans to turn on. The fix involves reprogramming the control unit.

KIA Rear lower control arms may need to be replaced in some 2011-12 Optima sedans. In T.S.B. CHA040 issued on Aug. 6, Kia said the parts might not stand up to road salt in 21 Snow Belt states. The parts will be replaced free on vehicles covered by the campaign.

TOYOTA Disengaged rear driveshafts could pose a problem for some Highlander Hybrid owners. In T.S.B. SC-D0N issued on Oct. 2, Toyota said the rear driveshaft on some 2011-12 hybrids could disengage from the inboard joint assembly. A loud rattling noise will alert drivers, which is good, because continuing to drive the vehicle can do damage. The company will inspect, and replace as needed, the rear driveshaft assemblies.

PSA confirme étudier de nouveaux partenariats

Le Monde | 14.10.2013 à 08h56 • Mis ? jour le 14.10.2013 à 10h11 | Par Philippe Jacqué

Usine PSA de Dongfeng, dans la province du Hubei, le 2 juillet.

Mais le groupe ?tudie en fait s?rieusement l'entr?e simultan?e ? son capital du chinois DongFeng, un constructeur avec qui il dispose d'une coentreprise en Chine, et de l'Etat fran?ais.

Si l'hypoth?se d'une entr?e du constructeur chinois avait d?j? ?t? r?v?l?e et confirm?e par DongFeng, l'agence Reuters a annonc?, samedi 12 octobre, qu'une augmentation de capital de 3 milliards d'euros serait envisag?e. Elle serait souscrite par le groupe chinois et par l'Etat fran?ais.

Selon Reuters, les deux pourraient ? terme d?tenir de 20 % ? 30 % du capital du constructeur fran?ais, tandis que la participation de la famille Peugeot (25 %, et 38 % des droits de vote) serait r?duite, tout comme celle du groupe am?ricain General Motors, qui avait acquis 7 % du capital du constructeur au printemps 2012.

En investissant aux c?t?s du constructeur chinois, l'Etat fran?ais s?curiserait l'ancrage de PSA en Chine en prenant le relais de la famille Peugeot, qui, aujourd'hui, ne dispose pas des moyens n?cessaires pour investir plus avant dans le groupe.

Au-del?, il cherche ? ?viter la "fuite" d'un groupe fran?ais. "Le gouvernement ne souhaite pas r??diter l'histoire de Publicis qui a d?cid? d'un mariage d'?gaux avec Omnicom cet ?t?. A moyen terme, le groupe qui r?alise 80 % de son activit? aux Etats-Unis va y partir. En s'invitant dans le capital de PSA, il entend emp?cher ce scenario", explique un familier du dossier.

Si la famille Peugeot doit encore se mettre d'accord pour accepter formellement la solution d'une entr?e conjointe de DongFeng et de l'Etat fran?ais, elle pousserait ? une participation ? cette augmentation de capital pour ne pas ?tre trop dilu?e.

Chrysler will present IPO

Chrysler, filiale am?ricaine de Fiat, a d?pos? les documents en vue de son introduction en Bourse.

In this document, Chrysler spoke of a maximum for the ration of 100 million dollars, but pr ICSE op that this estimate "applies only to the calculation of the registration fee".

In a statement s by, the manufacturer says that "the number of shares that will be words and price range even has t s termin d". The date of op ration is not e indicated. Sergio Marchionne, Chief of Fiat and Chrysler, had however estimated there ten days that the entrance in the communion of Chrysler was "possible at the end of the ann e but more probably in the first quarter of 2014".


Values on the stock exchange must be sold by the Trade Union of automotive UAW Veba Pension Fund, that d takes 41.5% stake in Chrysler, which Fiat will control, indicated to Chrysler in his laser, recalling, however, that the achievement of the op r ration is not true.

VEBA did not wish to retain their long-term actions, and such authorization would be int ress to redeem them. But the two shareholders are unable to agree on the price: s Apr figures s cit r recently by the Financial Times, Fiat value all Chrysler 4.2 trillion dollars and Veba 10.3 billion.

IPO is not the solution pr f r e Fiat, but the absence of an agreement between the two shareholders, would allow the release of capital of Veba.

Création de 200 emplois chez Smart et ses partenaires en Moselle

Le Monde | 04.10.2013 à 12h15

Le stand Smart au salon automobile de Francfort, le 10 septembre.

Ce d?veloppement doit pr?parer le lancement de la troisi?me version de la Smart Fortwo, un mod?le ? deux places qui sera le premier issu d'un partenariat entre l'Allemand Daimler, maison m?re de Smart, et le fran?ais Renault. Il s'accompagne d'une extension des espaces logistique et informatique. Le r?am?nagement du site, seul centre de production de la petite citadine dans le monde, repr?sente un investissement de 200 millions d'euros.


La nouvelle Fortwo sera, dans un premier temps, produite concomitamment avec l'ancien mod?le qui continuera ? ?tre commercialis? en Am?rique et en Asie quand sa petite s?ur sera d'abord destin?e au march? europ?en. Smart produira les deux versions thermiques et leur d?clinaison ?lectrique sur la m?me ligne d'assemblage, conform?ment ? un mod?le de production qui privil?gie la flexibilit?.

Un peu plus de 100 000 v?hicules doivent en sortir cette ann?e dont un millier en version ?lectrique. Lors du lancement, fin 2012, de ce mod?le au moteur issu d'une coentreprise entre Daimler et Bosch, la direction du groupe allemand misait sur une production "? cinq chiffres" d?s 2014. Cet objectif n'a pas chang?, indique la direction du site.

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Highland Park : ici naquit le travail à la chaîne

Henry Ford (ici en 1914) a commenc? en 1913 la production de masse des automobiles.

Une friche industrielle comme il en existe aujourd'hui des centaines dans la cit? d?chue de l'automobile. Sur le c?t?, un immense garage, dont les poutrelles m?talliques ont toutes les peines du monde ? soutenir une toiture dont on devine qu'elle a ?t? en verre.

Lire : Une association veut reconvertir le site pour les touristes

C'est tout ce qui reste de l'usine Ford d'Highland Park, qui fut au d?but du XXe si?cle la plus grande du monde. Il y a tout juste un si?cle, Henry Ford y inaugurait la premi?re cha?ne de production automatis?e.

Woodward Avenue et Highland Park : deux destins li?s. Si l'une a ?t? la premi?re route goudronn?e d'Am?rique, c'est parce que l'autre a contribu? ? faire acc?der des millions d'Am?ricains ? l'automobile.


Seul un minuscule panneau sur lequel on lit "Home of Model T" ("la maison du mod?le T", la l?gendaire voiture fabriqu?e par Ford ? partir de 1908) t?moigne d'un pass? industriel aussi riche que r?volu : "Ici, ? l'usine d'Highland Park, Henry Ford a commenc? en 1913 la production de masse des automobiles sur une cha?ne d'assemblage (...) allait bient?t se diffuser dans toute l'industrie am?ricaine et cr?er un mod?le d'abondance pour le XXe si?cle."

Fabrication de la Ford T, la l?gendaire voiture fabriqu?e par Ford ? partir de 1908.

Lire : Detroit bouge encore

De cet ?ge d'or, il ne reste plus grand-chose. L'usine, qu'on appelait autrefois le "Crystal Palace" ? cause de ses larges baies vitr?es, a ?t? en grande partie d?truite. Les cinq immenses chemin?es qui ?taient juch?es sur le b?timent principal et l'enseigne Ford Motor Company, qui s'illuminait en lettres rouges, ont disparu. Du complexe industriel dessin? par l'architecte Albert Kahn ne restent plus que deux b?timents en piteux ?tat.

Difficile d'imaginer que c'est ici, le 7 octobre 1913, que la premi?re cha?ne de montage automatis?e voyait le jour. Henry Ford en avait eu l'id?e en visitant, lorsqu'il ?tait adolescent, les abattoirs d'Union Stock Yards ? Chicago. Les carcasses ?taient dispos?es sur des chariots d?filant devant des bouchers, qui eux ?taient immobiles, permettant ainsi une transformation plus rapide de la viande.

Visuel interactif : Detroit : la chute de "Motor City"

Lorsqu'il lance la production de la Ford T, Henry Ford a d?j? l'obsession de l'efficacit?. "Je veux construire une automobile pour les masses", explique-t-il. A l'?poque, les constructeurs am?ricains Olds, Dodge, Chevrolet, Buick et bien s?r Ford se livrent ? une rude comp?tition pour arriver ? produire une voiture ? moins de 1 000 dollars. C'est Ford qui y parvient le premier, ce qui va tr?s vite l'inciter ? installer une cha?ne d'assemblage pour consolider son avance.


D?s 1908, le patron a compris que son usine historique de Piquette n'est plus adapt?e au passage ? la production de masse et commande ? Albert Kahn un site r?volutionnaire de par ses dimensions, capable d'accueillir les cha?nes de production.

"L'homme qui met une pi?ce ne la serre pas. L'homme qui pose un boulon ne pose pas l'?crou et celui qui pose l'?crou ne le serre pas. (...) Tout bouge dans l'atelier. (...) Aucun ouvrier n'a plus ? se d?placer ni ? lever quoi que ce soit", d?crit Henry Ford dans son livre autobiographique, My Life and Work, paru aux Etats-Unis en 1922.

Lire : La Maison Blanche vole au secours de Detroit en faillite

"Si vous ?conomisez dix pas par jour ? chacun des 12 000 employ?s, vous ?conomiserez 75 kilom?tres de mouvement gaspill? et d'?nergie inutile", calcule le patron, qui ne sait pas encore qu'il vient d'inventer le fordisme : le travail ? la cha?ne, coupl? ? une standardisation des produits, permet des gains de productivit?, qui sont pour partie r?troc?d?s aux ouvriers. En ?change des cadences qui s'acc?l?rent, on donne l'espoir d'acc?der au r?ve automobile et ? la classe moyenne.

"Ce mode de production, fortement inspir? des th?ories de Frederick Taylor pour lequel Ford ?prouve beaucoup d'admiration, offre des emplois aux ouvriers les moins qualifi?s, y compris les Noirs et les handicap?s, augmente la production et abaisse les prix de revient", souligne l'historien sp?cialiste des Etats-Unis Andr? Kaspi. Jusque-l?, la moyenne pour assembler un ch?ssis ?tait de 12,5 heures.


La cha?ne mobile fait tomber ce d?lai ? 1 heure 33 minutes. En une ann?e, la production double, sans que les effectifs changent. Et le prix de la voiture ne cesse de baisser : de 825 dollars en 1908, il passe ? 490 en 1914 pour arriver ? 290 dollars en 1924. C'est environ le prix d'un cheval ? l'?poque. Et, comme Ford paye ses ouvriers trois fois mieux que ses concurrents – environ 5 dollars par jour– , ils sont en capacit? de devenir les premiers clients du constructeur.

Vue g?n?rale du salon automobile de Detroit, le 12 janvier 2010.

Pour r?volutionnaire qu'il soit, le concept du fordisme mettra du temps ? se g?n?raliser. En fait, c'est l'industrie de l'armement qui va commencer ? s'en emparer au moment de la premi?re guerre mondiale. Andr? Citro?n, qui a visit? Highland Park peu avant 1914, ?quipe son usine d'armement du quai de Javel, dans le 15e arrondissement de Paris, d'une cha?ne mobile pour augmenter la production des fameux obus de 75 mm. Ce n'est qu'au sortir de la guerre qu'il d?cide de reconvertir le site pour assembler des automobiles.

"En 1918, Andr? Citro?n est le seul ? prendre le risque de passer ? la fabrication industrielle, explique l'historien Jean-Louis Loubet. Les constructeurs install?s, comme Peugeot ou Renault, estiment qu'il n'y a pas de march? de masse en Europe et qu'il n'y a aucune raison de changer leurs m?thodes de production artisanales, qui ont fait leurs preuves avant-guerre. Andr? Citro?n n'avait pas le carcan de cette exp?rience et a tout de suite anticip? que le march? serait d?sormais europ?en." De fait, d?s la fin des ann?es 1920, une Citro?n sur deux est export?e.

La cha?ne de montage, qui demande des investissements colossaux, va provoquer un bouleversement du secteur. Avant-guerre, il y avait 150 constructeurs en France, tr?s vite il ne va en rester que quelques dizaines. Si Citro?n fait la course en t?te avec la Type A, qui s'inspire des voitures am?ricaines de l'?poque, Renault n'installera sa premi?re cha?ne qu'avec l'ouverture de l'usine de l'?le Seguin, en 1926, et Peugeot ne commencera qu'en 1929, ? Sochaux, avec la 201.


Aux Etats-Unis, la g?n?ralisation de la cha?ne de montage est beaucoup plus rapide. Contrairement aux banques fran?aises, Morgan ou Rockefeller jouent le jeu de l'industrie et financent les investissements n?cessaires. Mais Henry Ford, rest? prisonnier d'une standardisation trop pouss?e, va tarder ? faire ?voluer son mod?le industriel.

Alfred Sloan, le patron de General Motors, lui, a compris tr?s vite qu'il ne suffit pas de faire de la grande s?rie, mais qu'il faut aussi ?tre capable de proposer de la vari?t? pour s?duire une client?le qui s'?largit et qui, avec la progression du pouvoir d'achat, a des envies et des go?ts de plus en plus sophistiqu?s.

Sur une m?me cha?ne de montage, Alfred Sloan est capable de faire d?filer des mod?les dont les carrosseries et les finitions peuvent diff?rer, mais qui partagent d?j? beaucoup d'?l?ments communs. "De ce point de vue, on peut dire que c'est Sloan qui a invent? la plate-forme, qui est ? l'origine de toute l'industrie automobile moderne", souligne M. Loubet.

Taiichi Ono, l'inventeur du toyotisme, va sophistiquer un peu plus le processus en rendant les petites s?ries de production rentables gr?ce au juste-?-temps, qui permet de r?duire encore les co?ts de production. La cha?ne de montage fonctionne en flux tendu, selon le volume de commandes, ce qui permet de r?duire les stocks.

Quant ? Highland Park, l'usine est n?e avec la Ford T, elle p?riclitera en m?me temps que le mod?le. Produite ? 15 millions d'exemplaires, la voiture sera remplac?e par la Ford A en d?cembre 1927, qui, elle, sera assembl?e sur le site de River Rouge (Michigan). Highland Park en est alors r?duite ? produire des tracteurs avant de fermer d?finitivement en 1973.

Diving in the ultra modern factory of PSA in China

Des mod?les DS5 sortis de l'usine PSA de Shenzhen, en Chine.

What is the compacit of the place. It is almost a human-sized plant. With its 10 000 m2, the new plant of Capsa, the joint venture between PSA Peugeot Citro n and ChangAn, walks and Saturday, September 28, in the suburbs of Shenzhen, in southern China, brings the characteristics of high-tech automotive sites: Compact, point and a versatile line that can assemble vehicles diff annuities v, capable of agr platforms the and multiplying the tricks to reduce the consumption of water and energy.

"Prior to this project, in 2010, I was including charg in PSA to collect the best practices of the group, in order to apply a day in a new site... The Bible that we have build and helps me every day! ", said Christophe Pineau, Director of engineering of ing's site". In fact, this gives a compact ultra factory, which allows to go no matter what workshop, with the final assembly line, passing through the paint shop, in a few minutes.

Sochaux, Mulhouse or Aulnay, to track the overall progress of a vehicle, is better to take a car or a "v", both workshops are large and distant from one another. In Shenzhen, Marcos, is installed in an office in the heart of the complex, it was five - foot - minutes on any point or have a problem myself. "This allows us to save a lot time to solve certain is difficult", r add Mr. Pineau. Best to ensure a quick return of defects d s observation, snowshoeing and final assembly line endings are very matching is. As assembly-line, was built the "L" to integrate the logistics of the int pi in the heart of the device and shorten the journey from drivers who bring the pi to these mountain better.


"Again we have learned it in Europe, it is the Visual management of the factory, resumed Mr. Pineau."The workshop is very pure. The walls or floor are either white or grey. "All mobile components l maximum 1.5 m high are to avoid any accident to tre and step ob rer personal vision", as the production process is "lean" (which covers I'm improving the performance of the company seeking the ales of identification of operating conditions). "Is very showy, yellow on gray background, r e serv mobile and potentially dangerous, as the parties s article arms carrying the bodies of vehicles v", pr clarifies it.

D volume to only high-end, PSA has no point its lines of wood on the floor, as it had done on one of their lines of production Rennes, or as a premium German manufacturers. "Wood certainly helps to cushion the shocks for the operation of the operators, but d now, there are other ways of op rer." Current safety footwear is very comfortable... ', slips a framework to judge d now a small wooden "gadget". "

M, unlike some plants of high range, automation of branding, this tape or l components of the Fund are s Assembly, is relatively reasonable, and rest. If done by robots, Shenzhen, Hyundai or Audi, more than 90% of the blend is around 40%. "Us pr f rons limiting to a minimum", says Nicolas Guibert, Director of production of Capsa. However, the group does not have h sit equip their racquets of the latest technologies of res workshop of the group, such as welding or welding laser (solder type).


To ensure the quality of your mod them, the factory of Shenzhen 55 points of control account the production line, or, on average, 15 more than the PSA sites in Europe. Both objective never retouch v vehicles in order to save time and space.

Finally, to reduce and occupation and square and the e of energy used, an installation of the Group her last ration n g of the paint shop for instant r e serv Sochaux, which uses less ovens. M I, led lighting helped to reduce the power consumption of this position by 50% for the enti factory, while air conditioning in room, China two expos and heat waves, is e assur by a syst me hydraulic point of two water cooling towers.

Of a theoretical minimum 200,000 v th vehicle, factory capacity has Mauritius from March - launch of the industrial operations of date op - 1 thousand people. "But it is difficult to keep our staff better form s, provides a framework for easy fran". There is a large volume of business in China, because the bulk of the population working in Shenzhen come from other countries. When they have sufficient powers, they seek the means to return to their province of origin, to be closer to their families and pay better." Term, up to 6,000 employees s are expected at the site.

To go further, read: "PSA and what time you ACSS Dragon"

Behind the Wheel | 2013 Audi S7 and S8: Internal Combustion as a Term of Art

The S7 hatchback, above, is a more conventional steel-body car than the S8, which has an aluminum space frame. More Photos »

The state of the internal-combustion art has never been more artful. Direct fuel injection, variable valve timing, computer-controlled ignition systems and a hundred other technologies have become tools for shaping how an engine performs. Engineers can add torque here, subtract it over there, let the engine rev at one point and hold it back at another. This is a new artistic medium, and Audi’s latest V-8 engine is a masterpiece.

Called the EA824 inside Audi, and marketed as the 4.0 TFSI V-8, it’s a densely packed engine less than 20 inches long that overachieves relative to its 4-liter displacement. TFSI stands for Turbo Fuel Stratified Injection, and right now internal combustion doesn’t come better than this.

I drove two 2013 Audis equipped with different versions of the EA824. In July, my nephew and I took the large 520-horsepower all-aluminum S8 sedan ($125,995 as tested) on a blitz from Dallas to Oklahoma and across the Texas panhandle, all the way home to Santa Barbara, Calif.

Then, a few weeks later, my wife and I drove the slightly smaller, sleeker, steel-body 420-horsepower S7 ($94,570 as tested) up the California coast to San Francisco and back.

On the long, often empty, straights of Interstate 40 across the Great Plains, the S8 was outrageously serene. As we cruised through sudden cloudbursts, surprise hailstorms and blistering heat over three days, it pushed forth with only slight differences in tire noise to indicate whether we were moving across water, ice or broiling asphalt. Even on lonely stretches of open road, as our speed crept inadvertently toward three digits, there was barely a change in the wind’s whistle. This is Audi’s most capable and powerful large sedan, and it is built to ingest continents.

The family of A8 sedans, of which the S8 is the highest performer, includes standard and stretched L versions (with wheelbases of 117.8 or 122.9 inches), with powerplants ranging from a turbodiesel V-6 to an outrageous 6.3-liter 12-cylinder. All of the A8s and the S8 are built with an all-aluminum space-frame structure that has been the car’s hallmark technology since the first-generation sedan of the mid-1990s.

The high-style, low-slung S7 has a predatory countenance. There’s something empowering about simply ducking under the low roof and into the thickly bolstered driver’s seat, as if you’ve transformed from a weakling into a Charles Atlas muscleman without all that pesky weightlifting.

But the S7 is a more conventional machine than the S8. It’s a hot-rod version of the A7 hatchback, which itself is a derivative of the more upright A6 sedan. The structure is ordinary steel and the 114.7-inch wheelbase is the same as the A6’s. Unfortunately, the S7’s squashed but stylish fastback roofline compromises headroom, and the rear legroom isn’t impressive either.

Regular A7s are available with the same turbocharged diesel and supercharged gasoline 3-liter V-6s that are found in the A8. But new for 2014 is an even more radical RS7 that uses a version of the EA824 rated at a loopy 560 horsepower. With a base price of $105,400, it starts out $25,200 more expensive than the 2014 S7.

That’s $25,200 that could be used for other important things. Like bail.

Slicing through central California, where the weather is always perfect, I swear that my wife’s pupils dilated noticeably when she first dipped into the S7’s accelerator pedal. The S7 may give up 100 horsepower to the S8 — at least according to Audi’s suspiciously conservative ratings — but 420 horsepower is still some 2.4 times the rating of her Kia Sorento. Power may be corrupting, but it’s also empowering, liberating and fun.

Forget all the navigation systems, radar-controlled cruise systems and even the Wi-Fi connectivity built into both the S7 and S8. All that is stuff you can find in other luxury performance cars. Other manufacturers are even adopting all-wheel drive similar to Audi’s once novel but still brilliant quattro system. What those other cars don’t have is the EA824.

A Year After Sandy, Collectors Consider the Lessons

Quick action helped prevent the car’s total loss. Within a day, Mr. Nadler, who drives a tractor-trailer for a living, flushed the engine fluids, preventing the internal havoc that saltwater might cause. His insurance company paid about $10,000 for mechanical repairs and thousands more for a new interior, a thorough cleanup and some repainting.

The work was done by White Glove Custom Collision in Baldwin, N.Y., and Mr. Nadler was pleased to again be driving his Chevy, an icon of the muscle car era, before the storm’s one-year anniversary.

“That car is a part of me,” he said.

Fortunately for Mr. Nadler, the Chevelle was covered by a collector-car insurance policy. Had it been deemed a total loss, as often happens with cars flooded with saltwater, Mr. Nadler’s policy would have paid a guaranteed sum that he and Hagerty, which specializes in collector vehicles, had agreed to when the policy was purchased.

Several companies offer such policies, which also include liability and other types of coverage, and can be later updated to reflect changes in the car’s potential resale value. Collector-car policies typically place some restrictions on the car’s usage, including annual mileage limits, for example.

The importance of buying specialized insurance was probably the most valuable lesson that stuck with classic-car owners in Sandy’s aftermath. A standard auto policy pays what companies define as the actual cash value, which may be many thousands of dollars below the car’s true market value, according to Rick Drewry, senior claims specialist for collector cars and motorcycles at American Modern Insurance. He said the company’s collector-car policies included an agreed-value provision.

“It’s peace of mind that if it’s totaled, it’s a contract price,” Mr. Drewry said. “You know exactly what you’ll get.”

The wording is important. Another type of policy, called stated value by insurance companies, is not the same thing. Although the car owner can set a value for the car, an insurance claim payout could potentially reduce that to account for depreciation since the policy was purchased.

Unlike homeowners’ insurance, collector-car policies typically do not exclude flood damage, said McKeel Hagerty, president and chief executive of Hagerty. It was flooding, rather than wind, that did the most damage to cars in this storm, he pointed out.

That distinction has been a sore point for many homeowners, whose policies covered wind damage but not the destruction caused by water from Sandy’s storm surge.

Mr. Nadler’s Chevelle was one of 1,213 Sandy-related claims that the company addressed. Mr. Hagerty said that more than 70 percent of those were total losses, though many more cars than that were ruined — some 250,000 in all, according to estimates from the Insurance Information Institute.

“We estimate that there were probably 10,000 collector cars at or near total loss,” he said. “It takes three feet or less of water to destroy a car. If it was submerged up to the windshield in saltwater, that’s pretty much a total.”

Valley Stream, a few miles inland from Mr. Nadler’s house, suffered far less, but Kevin Mackay dealt with the effects of saltwater damage to his customers’ Corvettes. His shop, Corvette Repair, assessed 15 newer and classic models. One client lost seven cars.

But for some who asked Mr. Mackay to store their cars before the storm struck, there was good news.

“We picked up about a dozen cars,” he said. “One customer who stored two Corvettes was glad he did; his garage was destroyed.”

Insurance companies judged most of the cars that Mr. Mackay inspected to be total losses. He was able to save a couple, including a 1967 Sting Ray. Water had covered its seats and console but stopped below the fuse box and main wiring harness. A Corvette’s fiberglass body will not rust, but the rest of the car is vulnerable.

Wheels: Trucks and Architecture: Ford’s Design Chief Chats With Architects

Importante réduction du bonus automobile en novembre

Le dispositif mis en place en 2008 pour soutenir l'achat d'automobiles est trop on?reux pour l'Etat, qui devrait le r?viser. Le malus, qui rench?rit le co?t d'achat des v?hicules les plus polluants, devrait passer de 6 000 euros ? 8 000 euros.?

Seuls les v?hicules traditionnels ?mettant entre 60 et 90 grammes de CO2 par kilom?tre conserveront une prime, toutefois ramen?e ? 150 euros, contre 550 euros jusqu'ici, a pr?cis? une source gouvernementale ? l'Agence France-presse. C'est le cas de petites voitures comme la Twingo diesel (Renault) ou la Peugeot 208. Les v?hicules qui ?mettent entre 90 et 105 grammes de CO2, qui b?n?ficiaient d'un bonus de 200 euros en 2013, n'en auront plus.


Les v?hicules hybrides et ?lectriques, beaucoup plus "vertueux" du point de vue ?cologique mais beaucoup plus chers ? l'achat, conserveront une prime substantielle, mais celle-ci sera ?galement r?duite. Les voitures ?lectriques verraient ainsi leur bonus passer de 7 000 ? 6 300 euros, les hybrides de 4 000 ? 3 300 euros, et les hybrides rechargeables ? 4 000 euros (contre 4 500 ou 5 000 euros suivant les cas actuellement).

Les Echos estimaient ? la fin de septembre que seuls 7,2 % des v?hicules resteraient d?sormais ?ligibles aux bonus, contre 35 % actuellement.

Le Parisien note que si les montants des malus appliqu?s aux v?hicules polluants ?taient d?j? connus depuis la publication du projet de loi de finances, il n'en ?tait pas de m?me pour les bonus, en raison d'un conflit entre le minist?re des finances et le minist?re de l'environnement. Finalement, c'est Matignon qui a d? trancher, avec pour objectif d'amener ? l'?quilibre un syst?me constamment d?ficitaire, qui a accumul? 1,45 milliard d'euros de pertes depuis 2008.

Wheels: On E.U. Carbon Emissions Rule, First the Announcement, Then the Uproar

Supreme Court to Hear Challenge to E.P.A. Rules on Gas Emissions

The case is a sequel to Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency, a 2007 decision that required the agency to regulate emissions of greenhouse gases from new motor vehicles if it found they endangered public health or welfare. Two years later, the agency made such a finding, saying that “elevated concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere” pose a danger to “current and future generations.” It set limits on emissions both from new vehicles and from stationary sources like power plants.

States and industry groups challenged the regulations on several grounds. They said the agency’s conclusions about the dangers posed by greenhouse gases were not supported by adequate evidence, that the so-called tailpipe regulations were flawed and that the agency was not authorized to regulate emissions from stationary sources.

A three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit last year unanimously rejected the challenges, some on the merits and some on the ground that the parties before the court lacked standing to pursue them.

The Supreme Court accepted six petitions seeking review of that rejection, but it limited the issue it would consider to the question of whether the agency “permissibly determined that its regulation of greenhouse gas emissions from new motor vehicles triggered permitting requirements under the Clean Air Act for stationary sources that emit greenhouses gases.” Among the cases accepted for review was Utility Air Regulatory Group v. Environmental Protection Agency, No. 12-1146.

“The regulations the court has agreed to review represent the Obama administration’s first major rule making to address the emissions of greenhouse gases from major stationary sources across the country,” said Richard J. Lazarus, who teaches environmental law at Harvard. “At the same time, the court declined to review E.P.A.’s determination that greenhouse gases from new motor vehicles endanger public health and welfare and therefore has left intact the government’s current regulation of motor vehicles emissions to address climate change.”

In urging the court to hear a challenge on the issue the justices agreed to hear, trade groups said the regulation of “greenhouse gas emissions from stationary sources represents the most sweeping expansion of E.P.A.’s authority in the agency’s history, extending its reach to potentially millions of industrial, commercial, and residential facilities across the country, at costs estimated to run into the tens of billions of dollars per year.”

Environmental groups reacted to Tuesday’s developments by emphasizing the regulations the justices had let stand.

“Today’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to deny numerous further legal challenges to E.P.A.’s science-based determination that six greenhouse gases threaten our nation’s health and well-being is a historic victory for all Americans that are afflicted by the ravages of extreme weather,” Vickie Patton, general counsel of the Environmental Defense Fund, said in a statement. “The justices have also declined to hear legal challenges to the broadly supported clean car standards that will strengthen our nation’s energy security, cut carbon pollution and save families money at the gas pump. ”

Greg Abbott, attorney general of Texas, one of the states challenging the regulations, said in a statement that he welcomed the opportunity to demonstrate that “the E.P.A. violated the U.S. Constitution and the federal Clean Air Act when it concocted greenhouse gas regulations out of whole cloth.”

The court on Tuesday also issued its first decision in a case argued this term, dismissing as improvidently granted an appeal in an employment discrimination case, Madigan v. Levin, No. 12-872. The court’s one-sentence order offered no explanation for the move.

The case concerned whether and when an age discrimination case may be brought under an old, broad civil rights law known as Section 1983 notwithstanding the more recent and focused Age Discrimination in Employment Act.

At the argument last Monday, the justices asked pointed and frustrated questions about whether the lower court had had the authority to decide the issue and whether the plaintiff, a former assistant Illinois attorney general, was covered by the newer law. The justices apparently concluded that the case was a poor vehicle for deciding the question they had agreed to review.

Slim Gain in Car Sales Leads to Optimism, and Skepticism, in Europe

FRANKFURT — Europe suffered another month of dismal car sales in September. But the numbers were a little less grim than a year ago, nurturing hopes that the market had finally hit bottom. And a sales rebound in Spain showed the effects of a United States-style “cash for clunkers” government stimulus program.

Auto sales in the European Union, as measured by new registrations, rose 5.4 percent in September compared with September 2012, the largest increase in more than two years, the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association said on Wednesday. Ford and General Motors, which have lost billions in Europe in recent years, were among the manufacturers that sold more cars in September than a year earlier.

But the overall gain was less impressive than it sounded, reflecting the fact that it compared with September 2012, the worst month for European car sales in recent history. There were also some special factors that helped sales this September, including an extra working day and the Spanish government’s incentive program, which offers buyers up to 2,000 euros, or $2,700, when they trade in an older model for a more fuel-efficient new car.

Car sales in Spain surged 28.5 percent compared with September 2012, according to Anfac, the Spanish association of carmakers.

But Javier Díaz Zúñiga, head of sales at a car dealership on Madrid’s Príncipe de Vergara thoroughfare, was not impressed by the data showing a jump in Spanish car sales.

“People attach way too much significance to such a figure — and politicians then go on to publicize the conclusion that Spain is doing much better,” he said. The government’s incentive plan — the third since the start of the crisis — was “timely, but wait until you see sales drop back down again once it expires,” Mr. Díaz Zúñiga added.

In fact, Spain’s car market recovery has been more evident at the production level, with Ford and other carmakers recently expanding their presence there because of lower labor costs, while closing or downsizing factories in European nations like Britain and Belgium. On Wednesday, Anfac forecast that Spain’s car production would climb next year to 2.4 million cars, from 2.2 million in 2013.

Still, the broader European figures are likely to bolster those in the industry who argue that the car market has hit bottom and could begin to rebound gradually. And an increase in car sales bodes well for the larger European economy, suggesting that consumers are becoming more confident and willing to spend.

“On sheer volumes, Europe is not in brilliant shape,” Carlos Da Silva, an analyst at IHS Automotive, said. “Yet the underlying trend of the market is calling for a certain dose of optimism.”

Mr. Da Silva said, however, that any rebound would not be vibrant enough to solve problems of companies like PSA Peugeot Citroën of France, which has too much manufacturing capacity for the market and faces enormous political resistance to job cuts and factory closings.

“They will be in dire straits for a long time,” he said

About three million Europeans work in car factories or companies that make auto components, according to the manufacturers’ association, and the fate of the industry is closely intertwined with the broader economy. The September increase will reinforce expectations that the euro zone economy, which emerged from recession in the second quarter of this year, is recovering gradually.

Any rebound in car sales is likely to be weak, though, and there may be questions about how lasting it will be.

Many European countries used incentive programs similar to Spain’s to prop up sales in 2009, when Europe suffered a sharp recession. But when the programs ended, car sales plunged to depths not seen in 20 years.

Despite the caveats, Rabih Freiha, an auto analyst at Exane BNP in Paris, said there were some grounds for optimism. He said the report showed that the broad European market, which included the 27 European Union nations and Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein, grew in September at an annualized rate of 13 million vehicles, the best showing since March.

“That’s still a healthy improvement, and it’s better than we’d expected at the beginning of the year,” Mr. Freiha said.

Jack Ewing reported from Frankfurt and Raphael Minder from Madrid. David Jolly contributed reporting from Paris.

PSA : deux syndicats ont donné leur aval pour un accord social

Les salari?s syndiqu?s chez SUD-Auto devant l'usine PSA ? Poissy, le 18 septembre dernier.

Le feu vert de ces deux organisations, qui repr?sentent ? elles deux plus de 30 % des voix aux ?lections professionnelles – le seuil minimal requis – suffit ? valider le projet d'accord du constructeur, sauf si des syndicats totalisant au moins 50 % des voix s'y opposent.

Lire l'analyse : "La persepctive d'un nouveau contrat social s'esquisse chez PSA" (lien Abonn?s)

Consulter l'infographie : "PSA : le plan de restructuration, site par site"


FO dit esp?rer, avec sa signature, "donner ? la direction de PSA Peugeot Citro?n les moyens d'assurer l'avenir [des] emplois en France, comme elle s'y est engag?e". Pour le d?l?gu? central de la CFTC, Franck Don, dont le syndicat signataire repr?sente 11,7 % des voix, cet accord social n'en est pas un, "parce que, clairement, il y a des propositions qui reviennent sur des acquis avec une incidence directe sur le pouvoir d'achat".

Le contrat, dont les n?gociations ont d?but? en mai, vise ? redresser le groupe qui emploie plus de 70 000 personnes en France. Les syndicats doivent rendre formellement leur avis lors d'un comit? central d'entreprise (CCE) jeudi.

La CGT (22,3 %) a d?j? fait savoir qu'elle ?tait contre ce "contrat antisocial". Les autres organisations syndicale (CFE-CGC, GSEA et CFDT) n'ont pas encore officiellement pris position.

Lire le d?cryptage : "L'Etat pourrait s'inviter avec le chinois Dongfeng au capital de PSA"

Le groupe chinois Dongfeng pourrait prendre 30 % du capital de PSA

PSA et son partenaire chinois, Dongfeng, ont vingt et un ans d'histoire commune ? Wuhan, dans le centre-est de la Chine.

Le groupe chinois Dongfeng pourrait monter ? hauteur de 30 % dans le capital de PSA Peugeot Citro?n, selon une information du Parisien samedi 12 octobre. Selon le quotidien, cette op?ration ferait de Dongfeng,?d?j? partenaire du constructeur automobile fran?ais en Chine, le premier actionnaire devant la famille Peugeot, qui en d?tient 25,4 %.

Le ministre de l'?conomie fran?ais, Pierre Moscovici, a pour sa part d?clar? que l'entr?e de l'Etat ou d'un constructeur au capital du groupe automobile fran?ais?n'est pas une question qui se pose en priorit? "aujourd'hui".?"La question aujourd'hui n'est pas d'abord celle de l'entr?e de l'Etat ou d'un constructeur au capital, c'est celle des bons partenariats industriels ? d?velopper pour PSA", a-t-il d?clar?, pr?sent ? Washington pour les assembl?es g?n?rales du FMI, de la Banque mondiale, et d'un G20

"La strat?gie du constructeur est d?finie par la direction du groupe et celui-ci a d?clar? travailler ? l'extension du champ de ses partenariats industriels existants notamment avec deux partenaires, GM (General Motors) et Dongfeng", a d?clar? M. Moscovici, rappelant que l'Etat suivait "le groupe PSA avec attention". "Il y a des enjeux ?conomiques, sociaux, industriels tout ? fait majeurs" et l'Etat a apport? une garantie ? la banque de PSA, PSA Finances, a rappel? le ministre.

Fin septembre, le pr?sident du directoire du groupe, Philippe Varin, avait affirm? avoir "un certain nombre de r?flexions en cours" pour renforcer le partenariat avec Dongfeng. Le constructeur automobile fran?ais, en difficult?, poss?de deux coentreprises en Chine : l'une ? Shenzhen (sud-est) avec Changan, consacr?e ? la ligne DS et l'autre avec Dongfeng pour fabriquer des v?hicules Peugeot et Citro?n dans leurs trois usines de Wuhan (centre).

Lire : PSA veut resserrer ses liens avec Dongfeng

De son c?t?, Dongfeng avait indiqu? ? l'agence Bloomberg avoir "re?u des informations de la part de banques d'investissement concernant PSA", sans toutefois pr?ciser quelle suite il comptait y donner. PSA s'?tait par ailleurs alli? en f?vrier 2012 au constructeur am?ricain General Motors, qui a pris 7 % de son capital.


Franck Don, d?l?gu? syndical central CFTC, a affirm? samedi aupr?s de l'AFP ne pas avoir "d'informations officielles" sur une entr?e du constructeur chinois dans le capital de PSA Peugeot Citro?n, mais, ajoute-t-il, "je ne fais pas partie des gens qui tomberaient de l'armoire le jour o? on apprendrait qu'un groupe chinois, ou un autre, puisse entrer dans le capital".

Selon lui, "le nouveau contrat social" que les syndicats sont en train de n?gocier avec la direction "n'est pas d?tach? compl?tement de ces op?rations" capitalistiques. Ce contrat, "au-del? des ?conomies r?alis?es, est un signe de politique sociale envoy? aux groupes qui pourraient entrer dans le capital" de PSA pour dire "qu'en France on n?gocie et que les gens sont capables de comprendre qu'il faut faire des efforts".

La direction de PSA a donn? jusqu'au 22 octobre aux syndicats pour accepter ou non un projet d'accord, n?goci? pendant plusieurs mois, afin de redresser le groupe automobile gr?ce ? des sacrifices consentis par les salari?s en contrepartie d'assurances sur l'emploi et le maintien des sites en France. Pour les syndicats "la priori des priorit?s c'est l'avenir des salari?s et la pr?servation des emplois", a affirm? M. Don.

Audi’s V-8 Masterpiece

The S8 is Audi’s most capable and powerful large sedan.

Credit: Audi of America

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Wheels Blog: Weekend Wheels Calendar

China Hints at Effort to Export Cars to West

WUHAN, China — Chinese automakers are starting to ask some of the largest Western auto parts companies to supply parts that meet American and European regulatory standards, according to senior executives at the parts companies.

The requests are the clearest sign yet that after more than a decade of preparation, Chinese manufacturers are starting to feel the confidence to begin high-volume auto exports to the West.

In another sign of shifting policy, a senior Chinese Commerce Ministry official said at an auto industry conference here on Thursday that Chinese automakers should prepare for the lowering of steep tariffs on imported cars. That change has never been stated by a Chinese official. Chinese automakers “may have a very huge impact from this reduction of tariffs,” said Chen Lin, the Commerce Ministry official who oversees international automotive investment policy.

Mr. Chen also said that Chinese automakers should be ready for China to reduce its requirement that foreign automakers set up assembly plants in China only through 50-50 joint ventures with local partners, instead of as wholly foreign-owned factories.

Lower tariffs would make it much easier for multinational corporations to import cars into China, while the removal of the joint venture requirement would allow multinationals to streamline the management of their Chinese operations. Their Chinese joint venture partners have insisted on assigning managers and engineers to these projects so as to gain insights into Western technology and management.

Although Mr. Chen did not say so explicitly, reducing China’s trade barriers now would make it harder for Western countries to impose reciprocal restrictions later on Chinese car exports. Mr. Chen acknowledged this point indirectly when he noted that unlike China, most countries do not require joint ventures with local partners to own any assembly plants built in their markets.

“We are seeing this imbalance of policy,” he said in a panel discussion at the Global Automotive Forum here, an annual conference that draws chief executives from all over the world.

Wang Xia, chairman of the automotive committee of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, a government-controlled group, said in a brief interview that he expected Chinese carmakers to enter the United States market in five years.

Jeffrey J. Owens, chief technology officer and executive vice president of Delphi, the largest auto parts company in the United States, said in a separate interview that Chinese automakers were starting to order parts for delivery three years from now that meet American and European regulatory standards. The orders tend to be for parts for midsize cars and sport utility vehicles, Mr. Owens said.

This suggests that Chinese automakers plan to go after the most profitable parts of Western markets, instead of starting in the overcrowded markets for compact and subcompact cars.

Jay K. Kunkel, the president for Asia and the Pacific at Lear, another large American auto parts supplier, said his company was also starting to see more Chinese orders for parts that meet Western regulatory standards.

Mr. Owens and Mr. Kunkel declined to identify which Chinese automakers were most interested in exports. Mr. Owens said auto parts designed to Western regulatory standards would also meet Chinese standards but would tend to be more expensive.

Parts meeting international standards can be made in China. Delphi has opened three factories in China this year and is building six more.

Recent public statements suggest that newer automakers in China and those with mostly private sector owners, like Geely and Great Wall, are the most interested in exporting to Western markets. Older, state-controlled manufacturers have been less enthusiastic.

Zhou Langhui, vice president of SAIC Motor, which is controlled by the Shanghai municipal government despite an initial public offering of stock three years ago, said in a brief interview that his company was not interested in exports.

Hilda Wang contributed reporting.

En car express, on dépasse les autos

Le Monde | 17.10.2013 à 07h44 • Mis ? jour le 18.10.2013 à 09h52 | Olivier Razemon

Les automobilistes qui se garent sur le parking se rendent eux aussi dans la capitale ou dans sa banlieue. Mais au long trajet en solitaire, ils pr?f?rent le car. Entre 6 h 30 et 8 h 30, deux lignes du r?seau d?partemental de l'Essonne, la 91.02 et la 91.03, desservent l'arr?t de Longvilliers toutes les cinq minutes.

La premi?re se dirige vers Orsay et la zone d'activit? de Courtaboeuf ; la seconde prend la direction de la gare RER de Massy-Palaiseau. La formule parking + car rencontre un grand succ?s, d'autant que, depuis 2012, ces v?hicules sont autoris?s ? emprunter la bande d'arr?t d'urgence sur un tron?on de 1,5 kilom?tre, s'affranchissant ainsi de probables encombrements.

"Cette ligne est g?niale !", s'exclame Agn?s Chatelet, qui travaille ? Paris. Tous les matins, cette salari?e d'un grand groupe d'?dition monte avant 7 heures dans le car qui l'emm?ne ? Massy, d'o? elle prend le RER pour la capitale. Moins d'une heure de porte ? porte, pour un prix compris dans le passe Navigo, sans les ennuis de circulation ni de stationnement.

Le parking de Longvilliers, garni d'arbrisseaux d?coratifs, a ?t? am?nag? au printemps. "Il ?tait tr?s attendu par les habitants des environs", affirme Cyrille Melchior, conducteur de travaux pour Vinci autoroutes. Jusqu'alors, en effet, les passagers du car se garaient au bord de la route, sur les trottoirs ou encore sur le chemin de terre qui menait ? la ligne ? grande vitesse.


En quelques mois, les habitudes ont ?t? prises. Apr?s avoir ferm? son v?hicule, on se dirige vers l'?l?gant Abribus en pierre am?nag? non loin du parking. Et si un car semble appara?tre au loin, tout le monde se met ? courir pour ne pas le rater, sans se soucier des voitures qui continuent de filer ? un rythme soutenu.

Apr?s l'aire de Longvilliers, les lignes 91.02 et 91.03 marquent l'arr?t ? la "gare autorouti?re" de Briis-sous-Forges (Essonne). Cet am?nagement, unique en France, consiste en un arr?t de bus dispos? ? m?me l'autoroute. Le vaste Abribus, ferm?, chauff? et dot? de bancs, est accessible par un escalier menant ? un parking. Lorsqu'un car se pr?sente, c'est au chauffeur qu'il revient d'ouvrir ? la fois les portes du v?hicule et celles de l'Abribus.

Le service s?duit quelque 800 personnes chaque matin, un succ?s croissant, t?moigne Fabien Lambert, qui travaille ? la communaut? de communes de Limours, g?rante du parking. Les 230 places n'y suffisent plus. "On se gare comme on peut, on se d?brouille", l?che Monique, habitante de Saint- Maurice-Montcouronne, un village situ? ? 3,5 kilom?tres de la gare autorouti?re, qui vient de laisser son v?hicule sur un talus.

Prendre le car avant et apr?s le travail ? "C'est agr?able, d?stressant et me laisse le temps de lire", t?moigne cette passag?re. Christophe Causin, lui aussi, est enchant? : "Avant l'ouverture de la gare de Briis, je mettais une heure quarante, porte ? porte, pour me rendre sur le plateau de Courtaboeuf, o? je travaille. D?sormais, il me faut quarante minutes."

Pour Vinci, qui a am?nag? l'autoroute afin de permettre l'arr?t des cars, rien ne s'oppose ? ce que d'autres gares autorouti?res voient le jour en France. "Pour cela, il faudrait une volont? politique des ?lus locaux", indique Bernadette Moreau, charg?e du d?veloppement durable chez Vinci autoroutes.

Olivier Razemon

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Il y a un siècle, la naissance du travail à la chaîne

Il y a 100 ans naissait, dans l'usine Ford de Highland Park, le travail ? la cha?ne qui, outre l'automobile, a transform? la soci?t? am?ricaine et la production industrielle mondiale. En rationalisant les gestes accomplis par ses ouvriers, Henry Ford cassait les co?ts de production et mettait l'achat d'une automobile ? la port?e de l'Am?ricain moyen.

PSA is committed to produce 1 million cars in France in the year 2016

Outre une clause de mobilit? interne, encadr?e et limit?e ? des zones g?ographiques d?finies, PSA met en place une clause de "mobilit? externe s?curis?e".

These are the commitments that must be taken in person, Philippe Varin, President of the Board of Directors of PSA pr, Wednesday, September 25, the representatives of the staff in the framework of the discussions of the "new social contract".

From May 29, the management and unions of PSA n negotiating an agreement for comp titivit, the image that the Group had committed, mid-2012, in its factory of Sevel, s pr Valenciennes or Renault signed in the first half. To justify the need for a new social framework n, the group, which has 73,000 employees in France, proposes a t co work internally, which would be lev 8% more than the average of the industry of easy fran.

The talks have thus first all mathematics th, such as exchange of information with representatives of the employees of the company strategy strat or the reactivation of the contract: 2 500 3 000 young in alternation or learning contract instead for d share equivalents of the elderly within retention work cong.

But is that employees 'concessions' and "counterparts" assur by the group who were the most anticipated. "It is this criterion that can say if the agreement is balanced," considered as a trade unionist, on 5 September.

View map of our plan for PSA, site-by-site restructuring

D beginning of September, the direction of PSA had announced the freezing of wage increases in the year 2014, brushed the existing premiums or a drop of the increase of the additional hours. These measures should enable an economy of 100 million euros, pr saw Mr Varin.

"Vehicles v 1 million by 2016 is a very strong commitment," Judge Philippe Dorge, the Director of human resources of the group, negotiations charger n. "this year, is should produce 930,000 vehicles v in France, in a market in 13 million vehicles v." Then the March should take only very slowly, this effort is very important, "says Mr. Dorge.

Compared to PSA's goal production of ann d is 2000 is, however, bet gla. In 2003, manufacturers still mounted v 1.9 million vehicles. Furthermore, by 2016, Renault aims to produce 710,000 minimum v vehicles only.


At least all PSA plants have the insurance to have a new Assembly mod. "Until 2016, we will announce the launch of at least one new mod on each floor, ICSE pr Mr. Dorge." This will ensure a load of plants beyond that date".

Rest hold until then. If the sites in Mulhouse, Poissy and Sochaux - who could drink r manage the production of a mod of the partner of Opel, according to Les Echos from September 25 - today relatively correct levels, factory of Rennes, which produces large group sedans, idles. "Can how take until 2017-2018?", asked before the t was a repr smelling site, Mr Varin d j committed give the plant a new mod this date.

For Mr. Dorge, this question not the 2016 target. "Our goal is a utilization rate of plants in Europe by 100%," he recalls. To achieve this, the group must depend on, among other things, termination pr management of jobs, which is the subject of a chapter of goci n agreement. "We must register in excess of prevention pr and gr employment safeguarding plans this new innovative employment restraint measures s and powers", says Mr. Dorge.

In addition to a clause of internal mobility, e box and limit e g d geographic areas finished, PSA is implementing a clause of "external mobility s curis e". The employees of the group can go to work in twenty-four months in another company with the possibility of returning to PSA.

Ultimate r Union, on 11 October, you will need to validate or not, the "new social contract" Automotive Group fran ais.

Sinosphere Blog: In China, Escaping Pollution From Inside a Car

2 Automakers Fear Effects of Shutdown on Sales

General Motors, the nation’s largest automaker, acknowledged that the shutdown was chipping away at the consumer confidence that automakers depend on to sell vehicles, even if it was still too early to gauge the full impact of the fiscal standoff.

“The longer this issue goes unresolved, the growing anxiety among consumers and the market will not help the industry keep up its strong pace,” said Greg Martin, a spokesman for General Motors.

Hyundai also said this week that industry sales could fall as much as 10 percent in October because of uncertainty surrounding the shutdown, according to John Krafcik, chief executive and president of Hyundai Motor America.

“Anytime you turn on the news, it’s all you’re hearing about,” Mr. Krafcik told Bloomberg TV on Monday. “We think that anxiety is the sort of anxiety that keeps customers, potential buyers, on the sidelines when they’re thinking about a big purchase like an automobile.”

The automakers are coming off a sluggish September, when new vehicle sales were off 4.2 percent. That was the first time that industrywide sales had dropped since January 2011. G.M., down 11 percent, and Hyundai, off 8.2 percent, were among the worst performers.

Now, rising economic uncertainty is adding to the concern that the sales momentum created this year by pent-up demand and readily available credit could continue to slow, analysts said.

“As the shutdown drags into its third week and the government moves closer to breaching the debt ceiling, the likelihood that October auto sales will be softer than expected increases,” said Lacey Plache, chief economist for the industry researcher

Not all automakers expressed concern, though. Ford Motor said that the industry appeared to be on pace with projections, made before the impasse, to sell more than 15.5 million vehicles this year.

“We haven’t seen any noticeable decline that can be directly attributed to the government shutdown at this time,” said Erich Merkle, Ford’s United States sales analyst.

Chrysler Group also said that the impact of the shutdown had been minimal.

“Outside of the greater Washington, D.C., area we see virtually no impact on auto sales in October,” Gualberto Ranieri, a Chrysler spokesman, said in an e-mail. “Right now we are confident that industry and Chrysler Group October sales will both be up over the same period in 2012.”

Some automakers, however, have started to acknowledge the shutdown’s impact on government workers’ finances. Hyundai, Ford, Nissan and Toyota have said that they will allow government employees to defer their car loan or lease payments for up to three months.

Toyota said its offer to assist customers affected by the shutdown included furloughed workers, businesses and employees of businesses directly affected by the shutdown, government contractors and suppliers. Customers “in good standing” are eligible to defer up to three months of payments through Toyota Financial Services or Lexus Financial Services.

“The government shutdown has placed an unanticipated financial strain on many individuals and families,” Al Smith, vice president of service operations for the Toyota Financial Services Group, said in a statement on Monday.

Toyota declined to say whether the government shutdown would affect October sales.

“Operationally we are fine,” Carly Schaffner, a spokeswoman, said.

Hyundai announced a program on Oct. 1 that gives current owners payment relief “for as long as they are out of work.” The automaker is offering to postpone payments by 90 days for furloughed employees who want to buy a car this month.

About a thousand people have applied to defer payments under Hyundai’s program, a spokesman, Chris Hosford, said.

G.M. and Chrysler said they had no plans to offer a similar program.

“However, as it is with most cases, the individual lender will work with the consumer,” said Mr. Martin, the G.M. spokesman.

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: October 17, 2013

An article on Wednesday about automakers’ concerns over the partial federal shutdown’s effect on car sales paraphrased incorrectly from remarks by John Krafcik, Hyundai’s chief executive, in a Bloomberg TV interview. He said that industry sales over all could fall as much as 10 percent in October; he was not referring to Hyundai’s sales alone. The article also misstated, in some copies, Ford Motors’ sales projections. It said the industry appeared on pace to sell more than 15.5 million vehicles this year, not this month.

Wheels Blog: Wheelies: The Bifuel Edition

Sinosphere Blog: China’s Red Flag Woos Luxury Car Buyers

Wheels Blog: Wheelies: The Take a Deep Breath Edition

Automobile : le marché se stabilise, rebond surprise chez Renault

Le Monde | 01.10.2013 à 10h16 • Mis ? jour le 01.10.2013 à 12h42 | Par Philippe Jacqué

En septembre, le groupe fran?ais a vu ses immatriculation rebondir des 18,1 %.

Les constructeurs et les analystes l'avaient dit : le march? a tellement baiss? ces derni?res ann?es qu'il ne peut pas chuter beaucoup plus. Le vieillissement du parc de v?hicules et la n?cessit? de les remplacer deviennent patents... Tous parient d?s lors sur une baisse annuelle, pour 2013, de 5?% du march? fran?ais, ce qui implique une hausse sur le dernier trimestre. En attendant, les r?sultats les plus spectaculaires sont affich?s par Renault.

En septembre, le groupe fran?ais a vu ses immatriculation rebondir des 18,1?%. Et contrairement aux mois pr?c?dents, ce n'est pas Dacia (+11,1 %) qui m?ne les ventes du groupe en France. C'est bien la maque Renault, ses Clio et autres Captur, qui gagnent des immatriculations?: + 19,3?%?! Gr?ce ? sa Clio IV et, surtout, au Captur, un faux 4 x 4 d?riv? de la Clio, le Losange d?tient 23?% du march? en septembre. C'est une performance rare depuis plus de trois ans... Le groupe de Billancourt affiche d?sormais un recul de 3,5?% sur les neuf premiers mois de l'ann?e.


C?t? PSA Peugeot Citro?n, les r?sultats restent d?cevants. Le groupe a affich? une baisse de 6,8?% de ses immatriculations en septembre. Un chiffre qui d?note certes une am?lioration, puisque la chute des ventes de Peugeot et Citro?n ralentit, mais qui reste insuffisant pour le groupe de Sochaux. Sa part de march? passe sous les 28?% en septembre, un score tr?s bas pour le premier groupe fran?ais. Et depuis le d?but de l'ann?e, les immatriculations ont recul? de 12?%.

Les dirigeants de Peugeot et de Citro?n ne perdent pourtant pas espoir. En octobre, les premiers effets de la commercialisation des nouvelles 308 et C4 Picasso, doubl?s de celui du 2008, le faux 4x4 de Peugeot, devraient enfin se faire sentir sur les immatriculations, assurent-ils.

Pour les constructeurs ?trangers, le mois de septembre s'est r?v?l? plus que contrast?. Apr?s avoir pouss? leur avantage en 2012, Volkswagen (+1,7 % ; -10,6?% sur neuf mois) ou Hyundai-Kia (-7,2 %; +0,3?%) ralentissent en 2013, tandis que Ford (-8,3 % ; -20,1?%) et General Motors (-5,6 % ; -18,1 %) poursuivent leur plongeon.

Dans le m?me temps, Toyota (+9,4 %) confirme l'embellie de 2013 (+6,8?% depuis le d?but de l'ann?e). Fiat fait ?galement son grand retour avec des ventes qui repartent ? la hausse (+17,2 %), m?me si les volumes ?coul?s restent bas. Le groupe de Turin a vendu 5 037 voitures, contre 4 298 un an plus t?t.

Enfin, Mercedes a pour sa part affich? une croissance tr?s importante de sa production, ? +38,3?%. Mais ce chiffre est un trompe-l'oeil. En effet, le groupe a bataill? tout l'?t? avec le gouvernement pour lever une blocage administratif de ses immatriculations, li? ? une pol?mique sur le gaz r?frig?rant utilis? par ses nouveaux mod?les Classe A, B et GLA. En septembre, le groupe de Stuttgart a donc immatricul? les v?hicules vendus depuis trois mois, faussant ainsi les statistiques.

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Wheels: Aston Martin Shops for High-Flying Customers

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DealBook: Advance Auto Parts to Buy Rival for $2 Billion

Echec des Européens en vue de réduire la pollution automobile

Le Monde | 14.10.2013 à 22h02 • Mis ? jour le 15.10.2013 à 07h07 | Par Philippe Ricard (Luxembourg, envoyé spécial)

Les ministres de l'environnement de l'UE ne sont pas parvenus ? se mettre d'accord pour r?duire les ?missions de gaz ? effet de serres des voitures particuli?res.

R?sultat : le blocage persiste, contre l'avis des pays du sud de l'Union europ?enne, Italie en t?te, et des Etats scandinaves. Ces derniers ont sugg?r? en vain d'organiser un vote pour d?partager les deux camps qui s'affrontent depuis des mois.

Le fond du litige porte sur la meilleure fa?on de r?duire les ?missions de CO2 ? 95 grammes par kilom?tre. Mme Hedegaard et ses alli?s souhaitent, avec le Parlement europ?en, atteindre cet objectif d'ici ? 2020, comme esquiss? en 2008 lors de l'adoption d'un vaste paquet de lutte contre le r?chauffement climatique. L'Allemagne d'Angela Merkel sugg?re au contraire de reporter cette ?ch?ance ? 2024. Elle entend ainsi gagner du temps pour permettre ? ses constructeurs de grosses cylindr?es, comme Mercedes et Audi, de faire les investissements n?cessaires.

Lire : Les constructeurs auto allemands et fran?ais veulent diff?rer les nouvelles contraintes d'?mission de CO2


Quant ? la France, elle s'est fait discr?te lundi, en refusant de se joindre ? ceux qui, comme l'Italie, appelaient ? un vote pour aller de l'avant. Philippe Martin, le ministre de l'environnement, a quitt? le Luxembourg sans faire la moindre d?claration publique, tandis que son homologue italien d?non?ait "une occasion manqu?e".

Afin de tenter de surmonter le blocage, les Vingt-Huit ont convenu de n?gocier des changements "limit?s" au compromis d?j? scell? avec les eurod?put?s. Peter Altmaier, le ministre allemand (CDU) de l'environnement, a assur? lundi qu'il esp?rait toujours un vote du texte en premi?re lecture d'ici aux prochaines ?lections europ?ennes, en mai 2014. La Commission europ?enne, en association avec la pr?sidence lituanienne des Vingt-Huit, est d?sormais charg?e de trouver un nouveau terrain d'entente avec les eurod?put?s. Pour Connie Hedegaard, le report de quatre ans que Berlin appelle de ses v?ux, de 2020 ? 2024, n'a au contraire rien de "limit?".

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Wheels: Mullins to Donate $15 Million to the Art Center College of Design

Du carburant coréen pour la voiture électrique de Ségolène Royal

Ligne d'assemblage de la voiture ?lectrique du constructeur Mia dans l'usine de Cerizay (Deux-S?vres).

"Nous venons de conclure un accord avec un groupe d'investisseurs cor?ens", annonce Mich?le Boos, la Franco-Cor?enne qui a repris, en juin, Mia Electric en quasi-d?p?t de bilan. Ces investisseurs vont apporter 5,3 millions d'euros, et obtenir 10 % du capital. La PME restera d?tenue ? 78 % par la famille de Mme Boos et ses appuis initiaux, et ? 12 % par la R?gion Poitou-Charentes. Les investisseurs cor?ens vont aussi verser 1 million d'euros pour devenir les distributeurs exclusifs de la Mia en Asie.

A Cerizay (Deux-S?vres), chez Mia, c'est peu dire que cet argent frais sera le bienvenu. Malgr? les aides de la R?gion pr?sid?e par Mme Royal et l'arriv?e de Mme Boos, la soci?t? reste en effet sur la corde raide. D?but octobre, les 220 salari?s ont d'ailleurs ?t? pay?s avec quelques jours de retard.

"Mia a un bon produit, mais deux probl?mes : l'achat et la vente", r?sume Mme Boos. Du c?t? des achats, la nouvelle PDG s'est engag?e dans un bras-de-fer avec une grande part des fournisseurs. Elle leur demande de r?duire leurs prix de plus de 30 % et d'acheter eux-m?mes des Mia, "pour montrer qu'ils sont avec nous". Pas gagn?, d'autant que Mia est p?nalis? par la r?cente liquidation d'Heuliez, qui lui fournissait des ch?ssis.


C?t? ventes, Mme Boos a ?galement opt? pour la mani?re forte. D?s son arriv?e, elle a abaiss? les tarifs de 32 % ? 45 %, selon les mod?les. La Mia trois places, la plus connue, ne co?te plus que 10 469 euros. Objectif : faire red?coller les ventes, tomb?es ? 337 v?hicules en 2012. Loin, bien loin des 12 000 unit?s par an vis?es ? une ?poque.

Gr?ce ? ces efforts, les ventes devraient remonter ? 900 v?hicules cette ann?e, assure Mme Boos. "Mais nous perdons encore de l'argent sur chaque voiture", admet-elle. Sur 14 millions d'euros de chiffre d'affaires, Mia se pr?pare ? un d?ficit op?rationnel d'environ 5 millions cette ann?e.

Pour sortir du rouge, la femme d'affaires mise sur les volumes qui seront ?coul?s en Asie par ses partenaires, et sur un accord similaire en projet au Mexique et au Br?sil. "Les ventes vont venir de l'exportation beaucoup plus que de l'Europe", pr?dit-elle.

Compte-tenu de l'ampleur du d?fi, Mia aura besoin de 36 millions d'euros en trois ans, estime Mme Boos. Il est d?j? envisag? que les investisseurs cor?ens remettent au pot dans quelques mois. Mais il faudra sans doute trouver encore d'autres financements.

Heuliez: Anatomy of a French failure

Le 16 avril 2013, des salari?s de l'?quipementier Heuliez, attendant devant le Tribunal de commerce de Niort. Celui-ci devrait prononcer, lundi 30 septembre, la liquidation de l'entreprise de carrosserie automobile install?e ? Cerizay.

Curtain. This time, is nearing completion of Heuliez, this SME of the dos-S poor become one ann are the symbol of "lame ducks" Governments trying to save whatever happens. As you might expect, is condemned to the tribunal de commerce de Niort, on Monday, September 30, the liquidation of the company of car body and install Cerizay.

The activity has been extended (e) a month, the time to complete the pending orders. Then the company will be ray e card. Will remain only in the activities of the three room which were outside the turn of Heuliez: electric cars Mia Electric, vehicles without permission JDM v and h with respect to EADS cabins in helicopter. They will be added, perhaps, a public entity destination e Server pr tool industrial settlement permission.

In total, about 400 people, hand work Heuliez or l reached 3,000 employees in 2004. Return of a spectacular route d stacking the weaknesses of the "industrial fran ais mod".

Family capitalism d FahadIn 2007, when Heuliez is located in backup, the company is at the end of the roll. The manufacturer of trucks in 1920 by Henri Heuliez was inventive in step, its rubber wheels for cars of horses to their opening for the convertible roofs. Staff shop comp, good quality equipment. But the case, led by the son-in-law of the founder, G rard Qu calf and his son Paul, e g e are the first.

The EMS is an office of studies, a subcontractor for Opel, Citro n and others and a builder of some series of v s small vehicles. With the crisis, builders repatriate as much as possible the activity in their factories. And play competition for tasks confi partners, especially with the countries of the East.

Fragile buyersFran AIS nors T, as Bollor, did not want the record, are groups of second class presented. Some serious s. Other less, attracted by the prospect of r s Cup rer for nothing a soci t int interesting to collect donations and disappear at the time of the promised money to inject. This is what happens with the first "Salvador", Indian Argentum Motors, then with the entrepreneur Louis Petiet.

BGI, the last assignee, they, kept his promises. But this small group Fund by an ex - ing NIOR of Heuliez had sufficiently strong to resurrect a company ab m e by two successive bankruptcies kidneys. Its first revival has only half ussi r and BGI would not return to the pot.

Public authorities all ts pr For employees, this ball of buyers, brightness of three bankruptcies in four years, was testing. All his d Lord to save the company, the Government and the commercial court were indeed wanted to believe all the possible tracks, such as ' Bill Gates Turkish '. To blindness.

"It is one of the most beautiful moments of my political life," is are so enjoy making goal S Royal, pr Chair of region r Poitou-Charentes, in December 2009, when Louis Petiet ensure finally will bring the promised representative pr million, a copy of a good wave of subscription. Money obviously impossible.

"Most often, this type of intervention only delays the inevitable in and encourages the workers not retrain, suggesting that [policy] may oppose the forces of the market", believes now Augustin and David Thesmar in 10 Id is flowing France (Flammarion, 160 pages, € 13). "In the case of Heuliez, we made no error. Mr. Petiet probably was not a good buyer, but it was one or immediate closure of the imm. "Hundreds of jobs have been maintained during the is ann", assumes Jean-François Macarius, one of r widely read regional charg of the folder. The region r there will have lost at least 2.4 billion euros in aid that Heuliez never reimbursed.

A blurred doctrineor? Stop, has decided to Arnaud Montebourg, September 23, i - l: t "are not l put scarce money on companies that have no future". Once again, the Lady Royal, pr invest to €650.000 in a company of mixed economy that would be b buildings and machinery after the liquidation, to encourage a red tick home mortgage.

These dissonant speeches show how the doctrine about the rescue of the soci t s in difficult remains diffuse. In 2009 and 2010, a long clash had opposite strat strategic investment fund for reading in the opportunit to sustain Heuliez. On the refusal of the ISP, is finally the region r that is the gateway to the capital of Mia Electric. A company that is still fragile and is looking for investors.

PSA et General Motors fabriqueront leurs futurs petits monospaces à Saragosse

L'usine PSA ? Shenzen en Chine, le 28 septembre.

PSA Peugeot Citro?n et General Motors (GM) ont annonc?, mardi 1er octobre, qu'ils allaient produire la prochaine g?n?ration de leurs petits monospaces dans l'usine GM de Saragosse en Espagne, levant ainsi le voile sur la r?partition de la production entre leurs usines. "Ces v?hicules seront clairement diff?renci?s et parfaitement coh?rents avec l'identit? de chacune de leurs marques respectives", soulignent les deux constructeurs dans un communiqu? commun.

Lire : "PSA Peugeot Citro?n et General Motors d?voilent leurs premiers projets communs"

Le constructeur automobile fran?ais assemble actuellement la Citro?n C3 Picasso ? Trnava en Slovaquie, qui assemble aussi la Peugeot 208. L'usine espagnole d'Opel, filiale allemande de GM, produit la citadine Corsa et le monospace Meriva. "Les ?quipes Opel de R?sselsheim [Allemagne] seront responsables du d?veloppement. PSA Peugeot Citro?n fournira les motorisations pour tous les v?hicules, dont la commercialisation est pr?vue pour la fin 2016", pr?cisent-ils. "De nouvelles annonces concernant des projets communs suivront ult?rieurement."


Le premier des projets est un monospace Opel-Vauxhall et un crossover (v?hicule multisegments) Peugeot qui sont destin?s ? remplacer la Zafira chez Opel et la Peugeot 3008. Le deuxi?me concerne justement un petit monospace pour les deux groupes, type C3 Picasso. Le troisi?me projet, pr?vu pour 2017, porte sur le d?veloppement commun d'une nouvelle architecture pour des petites voitures peu polluantes pour Opel, Peugeot et Citro?n et qui seront aussi vendues hors d'Europe. Il s'inspirera de la plateforme existante de PSA pour ses petits mod?les.

PSA et Opel, qui ont tous deux des capacit?s de production trop importantes en Europe par rapport ? leurs ventes, se restructurent. PSA doit fermer son usine d'Aulnay, pr?s de Paris, en 2014 et Opel celle de Bochum, fin 2014. Les deux constructeurs ont aussi lanc? une centrale commune d'achat et ?tudient la mise au point en commun de petits moteurs ? essence. Ils esp?rent r?aliser deux milliards de dollars de synergies par an en 2016.

Lire aussi notre reportage : "Plong?e dans l'usine ultramoderne de PSA en Chine"

Wheels Blog: Video: G.M. Tries Diesel Again, This Time With an Efficient Chevy Cruze

Around the Block: Diesel Wagon: What’ll They Think of Next?

WHAT IS IT? One of only two diesel station wagons sold in the United States.

HOW MUCH? $30,290 for 2013 model as tested with sunroof, navigation system and 17-inch wheels. Base price of 2014 TDI wagon is $27,070.

WHAT’S UNDER THE HOOD? 2-liter 4-cylinder diesel (140 horsepower, 236 pound-feet of torque) with a 6-speed automated direct-shift gearbox.

IS IT THIRSTY?  No, and that’s the whole point: the E.P.A. rating is 29 m.p.g. in the city, 39 m.p.g. on the highway (or 30/42 with the standard 6-speed manual transmission).

ALTERNATIVE BMW 328d xDrive Sports Wagon ($43,875).

If you need proof that the press is not all-powerful in shaping public opinion, check out the car market. Auto writers have long tooted the horn about the benefits of diesel engines, and a bunch of them have also argued that the old-school station wagon is a far more efficient way to haul things around than a bloated high-set S.U.V.

Nonetheless, two things that American car buyers have spurned are diesels and wagons.  

Yet maybe because Volkswagen officials fell for the car talk, or because they believe the times are changing — or indeed because the times are changing — the company is now selling a diesel station wagon in the United States.

So when it was time to pop up for my 50th high-school reunion (gulp!) in Connecticut, I thought a Jetta SportWagen TDI would be just the conveyance for a plunge back into the future.

I envisioned rattling up Route 7 trailed by a black cloud — and then running out of fuel at the 10th gas station without a diesel pump — as a perfect echo of those halcyon days.

Seriously, though, I live in France, where station wagons are quite popular and almost everyone drives diesels — including me, by choice, whenever I rent a car. I simply do not see the point of burning euros on gasoline, especially when the far higher torque of a turbodiesel can be quite entertaining. (Check out the winners of the 24 Hours of Le Mans endurance race the last eight years.)

And the black smoke is a thing of the past.  The only reminder that a modern diesel engine is burning oil is a faint rattle under the hood and the smell on your hands when you eventually do have to fill the tank.

Alas, the diesel wagon test car never made it to school; a friendly neighbor backed into the front fender, and VW didn’t have another Jetta test car available. I completed the trip in a Passat diesel sedan, which has the same engine and 6-speed DSG automatic transmission, but is a notch grander in accouterments, length (by a foot) and weight (by 211 pounds), and somehow gets slightly better mileage (rated 30/40 with the automatic and 31/43 with the manual).

The Passat was great for eating up highway miles and avoiding gas stations, but the comparison helped to convince me that the Jetta wagon better represents traditional VW values. It seems the wiser substitute for the ubiquitous suburban S.U.V.

I should note here that the Jetta SportWagen has not been subjected to the decontenting of other Jettas for the American market. I’ve not driven those, but the SportWagen remains pleasantly close in driving feel and quality to its Golf sibling, which has not been downgraded.

My Toffee Brown test wagon with “cornsilk leatherette” interior (marketing-speak for brown with admirably leatherlike tan vinyl) was the top trim level, with sunroof, navigation system, rearview camera and keyless ignition as the big attractions. Beyond that was a rather comprehensive and typically (for VW) convenient array of the power accessories and electronic driving aids you’d expect in a $30,000 car.

I really liked the clean, uncluttered design, and VWs have always had a neat, functional and intuitive interior layout. The seats were supportive and amply adjustable, and the back seat folded in a 60-40 split. In short, it was all nicely finished and laid out. But let’s be honest, all this can be said of a lot of cars today.

What would nudge me toward investing in the SportWagen is, first, the TDI engine. I didn’t have the Jetta long enough to do my own reckoning of its fuel economy, but the two diesels I drove gave no reason to question the E.P.A. figures on the window sticker, including a combined city-highway rating of 33 m.p.g.

That’s hybrid territory, with a single-tank driving range of over 500 miles. That economy also comes with a big surge of power at low engine speeds, conveying a typically diesel sense of a lot more power than the horsepower figures suggest.

On a twisty road, the SportWagen confirmed that it was not a GTI, but it was a lot more fun than the crossover utility wagons I’ve driven. And the three gas stations I pulled into at random in Connecticut and on the New Jersey Turnpike all had diesel, though admittedly in the price range of premium-grade gasoline.

The second attraction is, yes, the time-tested advantages of the wagon body style. The wagon was banished from suburbia when it became overly associated with runs to Safeway and the soccer field, but of course the reason the wagon was so popular in the day was precisely because it was so convenient for grocery and soccer runs.

Nobody believes any longer that you need a Chevy Equinox in your driveway for combat duty, so why not get a car that offers as much or more space in the back (nearly 33 cubic feet with the rear seats up, and 67 cubic feet with the seats folded), gets far better gas mileage and is a hoot to drive?

Le marché automobile de l'UE se redresse

Alors que l'essentiel des constructeurs anticipaient un march? europ?en en recul de 5 % sur toute l'ann?e 2013, ils revoient, un peu, cet objectif ? la hausse.

Immatriculations de voitures particuli?res dans l'union europ?enne

Les immatriculations avaient encore recul? de 5 % le mois pr?c?dent et sur les neuf premiers mois de l'ann?e, les immatriculations sont toutefois toujours en retrait - la baisse est de 3,9%, ? 9 millions d'unit?s.

Mais la chute ralentit. "On a v?ritablement touch? un point bas", annon?aient d?but septembre, Philippe Varin, le patron de PSA Peugeot Citro?n, et Alan Mulally, son homologue de Ford.

Et cela semble se v?rifier. Si personne n'ose encore parler de reprise du march?, tous les analystes soulignent une stabilisation des ventes ? un point encore relativement bas, autour de 12,5 millions de v?hicules, quand le rythme annuel ?tait de 16 millions en 2007, juste avant le d?clenchement de la crise financi?re.

Mieux, alors que l'essentiel des constructeurs anticipaient un march? europ?en en recul de 5 % sur toute l'ann?e 2013, ils revoient, un peu, cet objectif ? la hausse. "On reste sur l'id?e d'une baisse de 5 %, assure J?r?me Stoll, le directeur g?n?ral d?l?gu? ? la performance de Renault, mais le march? fera peut-?tre mieux, autour de - 4%."

Certains analystes s'enhardissent plus. Les experts de LMC Automotive anticipent un march? europ?en? en repli de 2,8 % cette ann?e gr?ce ? un meilleur quatri?me trimestre et une croissance de 1 % en 2014. PwC Autofacts pr?voit pour sa part ?galement un repli de 3% pour l'ann?e actuelle et un rebond beaucoup plus vif de 3,5 % en 2014.


En France, le march? reste dans un entre-deux. En septembre, les ventes ont progress? de 3,4 %, ? 142 166 v?hicules. Sur neuf mois, elles sont toujours en recul (- 8,5 %) et elles devraient baisser de 8 % sur l'ensemble de l'ann?e, selon les consultants, gr?ce ? un meilleur quatri?me trimestre qui b?n?ficiera d'une base de comparaison favorable.

Selon les constructeurs, le niveau de vente fin 2012 avait ?t? anormalement bas, et, de ce fait, la croissance devrait ?tre au rendez-vous sur les trois derniers mois de l'ann?e.

"Nous assistons ? une stabilisation ? un point bas du march?, ? 1,7 ? 1,8 million de v?hicules,?r?sume Jean-Luc G?rard, pr?sident de Ford France. Nous n'avons pas subi d'effondrement comme les autres march?s du sud de l'Europe."

Cependant, le march? fran?ais ne devrait pas rebondir en 2014. "La reprise s'annonce lente, confirme M.G?rard. Nous n'anticipons pas une hausse du pouvoir d'achat."

Et m?me si le parc de v?hicules en circulation vieillit, les Fran?ais roulent moins du fait de la crise. "Nous n'assisterons pas ? un ph?nom?ne massif de renouvellement de v?hicules avant 2015 au mieux."

Lire aussi : Importante r?duction du bonus automobile en novembre